Pulso Apparel virtual showroom

Pulso Apparel


The Goal
Increase engagement and brand awareness

Give customers a branded immersive experience by allowing them to explore a virtual showroom with models wearing different outfits and accessories.

Spatial Design
3D Modelling
3D Clothing
3D Composing
Augmented Reality Development
Web Development
Asset Hosting


Brainstorming focused on notes and sketches that helped solidify the goals of Pulso Apparel and the experience they want to give their users. They wanted their audience to see the craftsmanship of these handmade designs and also show that these garments are made to be moved in.

Spatial Design

The design of the space reflects the designs of the product and branding. The showroom was designed with the consideration that it must be large enough for user not only to enter the space, but walk around and interact with products.


The color-ways offered in Pulso Apparel’s OG Collection are Onyx, Quartz, and Sandstone. The materials of the space reflect the colors of the clothing.

3D Clothing Simulation

The Results

Customers can now engage with Pulso Apparel’s OG Collection clothing allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the products and the branding. All of this can be enjoyed from anywhere without the user downloading an app.